We need to be aware of the health and safety issues in the healthcare settings as we treat and heal our patients. Healthcare professionals seem unaware of the simple practical preventive steps that need to be instituted as they face the challenges. A fast reference point seems to be lacking in this part of the region to enlighten oneself of the preventive measures.
It is in the backdrop of all these challenges, the impetus to publish a book that will dwell on the practical aspects of occupational health and safety issues for health care professionals arose. It is hoped this book will be easily understood by the different spectrum of health care professionals and the contents easily assimilated and put into practical use in the daily work setting.
Healthcare professionals’ the noble objective is to save the victims (patients) rather than being the victims themselves while we undertake our daily responsibilities in the healthcare facilities.
Editors: Associate Professor Retneswari Masilamani, Dr. Jayakumar Gurusamy
Retail Price: RM88.00
Hardcover: 300 pages (2008)
Publisher: Malaysian Medical Association
ISBN: 978-983-99128-3-8
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