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Approaches to Attribution of Detrimental Health Effects to Occupational Ionizing Radiation Exposure and their Application in Compensation Programmes for Cancer (OSH 73)
Jointly published by three international organizations with mandates relating to occupational health and ionizing radiation – the ILO, IAEA and WHO – the publication will be useful for national authorities, trade unions, employers and other parties with an interest in ensuring an equitable approach to workers’ compensation. |
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Children in hazardous work: What we know, what we need to do
This report reviews the current state of knowledge concerning children in hazardous work and presents the case for a new focus on the issue as part of the wider global effort to eliminate the worst forms of child labour. For more information on this report or to order copies, please contact pubvente@ilo.org. |
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Ergonomic checkpoints: Practical and easy-to-implement solutions for improving safety, health and working conditions. Second edition
Fully revised and expanded, this new edition of the highly successful Ergonomic checkpoints is aimed at reducing work-related accidents and diseases and improving safety, health and working conditions. Building on the wealth of experience of practitioners in applying these checkpoints, the second edition features revised text, additional checkpoints and new, full-colour illustrations. |
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Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries (2nd Edition)
DCP2’s answers contribute substantially to global initiatives to improve the health of all peoples by providing a multidisciplinary understanding of these fundamental issues and challenges, as well as effective interventions for the range of communicable and noncommunicable diseases and conditions and risk factors. |
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Ergonomic Checkpoints in Agriculture
Agriculture is one of the most hazardous sectors in both developing and developed countries. Increasing attention is being given to applying practical actions in rural and agricultural settings to reduce work-related accidents and diseases, improve living conditions and increase productivity… |
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Global Burden of Disease and Risk Factors
This book emerges from two separate, but intersecting, strands of work that began in the late 1980s, when the World Bank initiated a review of priorities for the control of specific diseases. The review generated findings about the comparative cost-effectiveness of interventions for most diseases important in developing countries. The purpose of the cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) was to inform decision making within the health sectors of highly resource-constrained countries. This process resulted in the publication of the first edition of Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries (DCP1). |
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Guidelines for the use of the ILO International Classification of Radiographs of Pneumoconioses, revised edition 2011
This revised (2011) edition of the Guidelines for the use of the ILO International Classification of Radiographs of Pneumoconioses extends the applicability of the Classification to digital radiographic images of the chest, as described in a new chapter 6 (page 14). Chapters 1 through 5 are identical to those that appeared in the preceding (2000) edition of the Guidelines. That text remains applicable as written for classifying conventional film-screen radiographs and the associated sets of ILO standard radiographs remain available from the ILO. |
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International Standard Classification of Occupations 2008 (ISCO-08): Structure, group definitions and correspondence tables
This volume presents the structure and definitions of all groups in the International Standard Classification of Occupations 2008 (ISCO-08) and their correspondence with ISCO-88. |
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Maternity at work: A review of national legislation. Findings from the ILO’s Conditions of Work and Employment Database. Second edition
This global report updates the current knowledge of the status and progress of maternity legislation around the world, providing a comprehensive review of national legislative provisions for maternity protection in 167 member States, with a particular focus on how well countries’ provisions conform to the ILO Maternity Protection Convention, 2000 (No. 183), and its accompanying Recommendation (No. 191). |
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Priorities in Health
Delivering efficacious and inexpensive health interventions leads to dramatic reductions in mortality and disability at modest cost. Globalization has been diffusing the knowledge about what these interventions are and how to deliver them. The pace of this diffusion into a countryñmore than its level of incomeñdetermines the tempo of health improvement in that country. |
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Safety and Health in Agriculture. Code of practice
This code of practice is intended to raise awareness of the hazards and risks associated with agriculture and promote their effective management and control; to help prevent occupational accidents and diseases and improve the working environment in practice; to encourage governments, employers, workers and other stakeholders to cooperate to prevent accidents and diseases; and to promote more positive attitudes and behaviour towards occupational safety and health in agriculture throughout the sector |
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Stress Prevention at Work Checkpoints. Practical improvements for stress prevention in the workplace
Work-related stress is one of the most important issues in many countries. The negative impacts of stress are multiform and can include circulatory and gastrointestinal diseases as well as physical, psychosomatic and psycho-social problems. These in turn can lead to poor work performance, high accident and injury rates, and low productivity. |
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Working towards sustainable development: Opportunities for decent work and social inclusion in a green economy
This joint ILO/UNEP study shows that, if accompanied by the right policy mix, a green economy can also create more and better jobs, lift people out of poverty and promote social inclusion. It also demonstrates that employment and social inclusion must be an integral part of any sustainable development strategy. |
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Workplace solutions for childcare
Workplace partnerships are effective for working parents considering childcare solutions. The focus of this book is on why workplace partners around the world have become involved in childcare and about the nature of programmes that have been implemented. Partnership is a key theme, and the authors highlight the fruitfulness of collaborations that combine the resources and capabilities of different actors. Ten countries, industrialized and developing, are examined through a national overview on policies and facilities for childcare and the implications for working parents, followed by case studies of specific workplaces. |