CePH Lunch Talk by Associate Professor Kathy Hosig, 24th April 2014

The third lunch talk for the year was on Tailoring Community-based Type 2 Diabetes Education for Diverse Target Audiences by Kathy Hosig on the 24th April 2014. More than 30 participants attended the lunch talk, which was on Balanced Living with Diabetes (BLD. The BLD is a community-based type 2 diabetes education program based on Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) and delivered in partnership between a university-based national/state community agency and local health professionals in the United States. The talk described the BLD program content and delivery and illustrated how BLD addresses SCT constructs of self-efficacy, self-regulation and social support. The use of formative data to tailor the program to reach diverse audiences was also discussed, and preliminary outcome data from current programs were presented. Strategies for delivering BLD tailored for diverse populations in Malaysia were explored with the audience.

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